Our Special Services for
Antique Pianos

Want To Repair Your Antique Piano?

With over 25 years of dedicated expertise, Dolce Piano is your trusted partner in reviving the soul of your cherished instrument.
Your antique piano deserves the care of experienced hands. Don't entrust it to the inexperienced. Trust the passion and skill of Dolce Piano.

Dolce Piano


Our specialized services for antique pianos include:

Piano Tuning: Restore its perfect pitch.
Piano Custom Voicing: Craft a unique, timeless tone.
Restringing: Breathe new life into its sound.
Action Regulation: Ensure precision and responsiveness.
Hammer Replacement and Adjustment: Enhance tonal quality.
Touch Weight Analysis and Correction: Fine-tune for optimal play.
Sticky Keys: Resolve issues for seamless performance.
Key Top Repair: Restore both beauty and functionality.
Back Jack Repair: Ensure stability for sustained play.
Polish and Deep Cleaning: Revitalize its timeless elegance.

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